No (sunny) roof? No problem!

Would you like to produce green power without placing solar panels on your own roof? Vrijopnaam has a solution.

We offer our customers to buy solar panels in one of our solar parks. We call this: Paneelopnaam. With a Paneelopnaam you produce your own power in a solar park near your home address.

A Paneelopnaam costs € 99. For each panel, we guarantee an annual yield of 250 kWh, for 9 years. We offset the electricity you produce with your panels against the amount of consumed electricity. This offsetting occurs annually on the energy bill at the supply rate with a maximum of 8 cents per kWh.

Easy and sustainable!

Calculate your benefit

What do you consume?

Help me estimate

How many Panelenopnaam
do you want?


Settlement on your energy bill

€ 0

Annually guaranteed kWh for 9 years (with a maximum of € per kWh)

One-time deposit

€ 0

Your profit

€ 0


Prettig bedrijf met uitstekende en sympathieke klantenservice


Beveelt ons aan!

Diverse keren zeer prettig telefonisch contact gehad. Heldere informatie zowel tijdens persoonlijk contact als op de website/in de app. De app gebruik ik dagelijks om mijn verbruik in de gaten te houden en de hoeveel energie die mijn zonnepanelen opleveren. Heel fijn om via vrijopnaam extern zonnepanelen te kunnen kopen.

Duidelijk, eenvoudig inzichtelijk, groen.


Beveelt ons aan!

Fijn eigen zonnepanelen te hebben op afstand, omdat het op mijn dak niet kan. Leuk om te zien hoeveel reguliere stroom dat mij per maand bespaart. Site en jemaandbedrag aanpassen is snel en eenvoudig. Betrouwbare leverancier.

Vrijopnaam levert precies wat ik nodig heb


Beveelt ons aan!

Op aanraden van de Consumentenbond naar Vrijopnaam overgestapt. Geen spijt van want je krijgt precies wat je wilt! Gas en stroom tegen aantrekkelijke prijzen en zelf meedoen met een 'zonnepaneel op naam'. De klantenservice staat je heel snel en sympathiek te woord. En wat ik ook nodig heb, is geen gezeur. Geen aanbiedingen, acties of wat dan ook. Dat is nou wat ik wil: eerlijk, degelijk en meedenkend.

Vrijopnaam krijgt een 9.1 op basis van 1690 reviews op

Choose your solar park in The Netherlands

Solar power can be generated anywhere. Not only on the roof but on unprofitable farmland, closed landfills and noise walls along highways. Constructed with care and attention to the landscape. The yield of a Paneelopnaam is almost the same everywhere, at least 250 kWh per year is guaranteed.

Available solar panels
Under construction
Out of stock

A Paneelopnaam, that'll brighten your day!

  • A Paneelopnaam costs only €99.
  • That includes maintenance, repair and administration.
  • Guaranteed yield of 250 kWh per year (max. € 0,08 per kWh).
  • See how much you've generated in the app at any time.
  • Get in or out at any moment.
  • Generate as much electricity as you consume each year, up to a maximum of 2.500 kWh (10 panels).

Buy your Panelenopnaam in the Vrijopnaam-app. Do you have any questions? Check our smart questions or call us.

Smart questions about generating yourself

Read all questions

Vrijopnaam’s mission is to enable everyone to produce their own solar power. That’s why we offer 'Panelenopnaam' to our customers. These are solar panels that are not mounted on domestic rooftops, but placed in collective solar fields operated by Vrijopnaam.

A single Paneelopnaam costs € 99. With this Paneelopnaam, you are entitled to a minimum yield of 250 kWh per panel per year, for a period of 9 years. The yield of your Paneelopnaam gets settled on your annual statement. The value of this power equals your own Vrijopnaam power commodity price, with a maximum of € 0,08 per kWh. The supply rate is the rate of Vrijopnaam excluding VAT and energy tax.

Read more about producing your own solar power.

Switch to Vrijopnaam and simply inform us while subscribing about the amount of Panelenopnaam you want to buy. You can select the solar park of your choice. We will arrange everything from there on.

If you are an existing Vrijopnaam customer and you want to start producing your own power, you can easily arrange this via the Vrijopnaam app. Adding Panelenopnaam to your current total is a possibility as

If you prefer to contact us by phone or email to arrange this, you can reach us via 085-30 32 652 (9am-17pm on working days) or

The amount of solar power produced by your Paneelopnaam depends on the amount of solar irradiation. The more the sun shines, the higher your electricity yield. We guarantee a minimum annual yield of 250 kWh per year per Paneelopnaam.

A maximum of 10 Panelenopnaam per address applies. This corresponds with an annual power production/own use of 2.500 kWh. Your production may not exceed your own annual power consumption.

We aim to make everyone in the Netherlands enthusiastic about producing one’s own electricity. That is why we chose for the maximum as stated.

After 9 years you can extend the term by re-investing. By doing so, you keep on enjoying the benefits of producing your own solar power.

Solar parks are operational for at least 15 years and designed to be 20-25 years in production.

You can chat or call 085-3032652 on working days between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. You can always send us an e-mail!